Working In Motion: Pioneering Dynamic Workspaces

In the rapidly evolving work environment, defining what constitutes a “vital" workspace is crucial. As a researcher and advocate for "Working in Motion," dr. Ida Damen’s work revolves around ‘transforming traditional static office environments into dynamic spaces, where physical activity becomes an integral part of the daily work routine’.

Embracing Movement: The Workwalks Initiative

Ida Damen: an essential element of our "Working in Motion" research is the Workwalk concept. Workwalks are thoughtfully designed paths within or around work campuses. These paths not only provide a refreshing backdrop but also promote physical activity. They're intended for both solitary use — for those moments when deep thinking or focused problem-solving is required — and for group use — when collaborative meetings or social interactions can benefit from a change in scenery and the energizing effects of gentle movement. We encourage walking meetings as they present an effective solution for reducing stress, sparking creativity, and boosting productivity. In addition, they encourage equal participation and foster creative problem-solving.

Workwalks In Action: Encouraging Movement On Campus

To demonstrate the benefits of "Working in Motion," the researchers introduced Workwalks at the TU site in Eindhoven, the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, at the University of Tilburg (Warande) and at Fontys Sporthogeschool. The response has been enthusiastic. ‘Students appreciate these refreshing breaks from their studies, while staff value the chance to stretch their legs, clear their minds, and engage with colleagues in a more relaxed and dynamic setting’.

What about Ida’s personal preferences when it comes to het own outdoor work styles? ‘I find working outdoors offers a balance between solitude and collaboration. Solo walks are beneficial for focused, independent work, while group walks provide a dynamic setting for brainstorming and informal discussions. Whether in an urban setting or amidst wild nature, these outdoor work experiences are invigorating and inspirational’.

The Future Of Work: Working In Motion

As I continue to work at Fontys and with the Workplace Vitality Hub, a living lab on the hightech campus in Eindhoven, our focus remains on exploring and promoting the impact of movement on our work-life balance. We aim to guide organizations globally to create workspaces that encourage physical activity, foster morale, and enhance productivity.

The future workplace should transcend the idea of being merely a place for work; instead, it should be a dynamic environment where movement is naturally incorporated into its design. This shift towards "Working in Motion" is an essential stride towards healthier, more dynamic workplaces for everyone.